The Music Theory Department is one of the main units within the National Academy of Music and encompasses the music theory classes for students majoring in all courses of the three faculties, including the pedagogy and philosophy courses. Some of the most prominent Bulgarian artists have taught in the department in the past, and today, it is still a hub where fundamental works of Bulgarian music theory are being created and significant musicology research is being made.

Soon after the State Academy of Music was founded, the first Bulgarian theoretical course books for Organology, Music Analysis, Harmony, Counterpoint, etc. were published. The first course lecturers were Prof. Dimitar Hadzhigeorgiev, Prof. Dimitar Radev, Prof. Dobri Hristov, Prof. Nikola Atanasov, Prof. Tsanko Tsankov, Hristo Panchev. Some of the most respected professors at the Academy, like Prof. Veselin Stoyanov, Prof. Asen Karastoyanov and Prof. Parashkev Hadzhiev, wrote course books of significant importance for the in-depth understanding of basic theoretical disciplines such as Harmony, Music Analysis, Polyphony, Symphony Orchestration and Wind Ensemble Orchestration. The works of Prof. Konstantin Konstantinov, Prof. Ivan Peev, Prof. Kamen Popdimitrov are crucial for creating the integrative connection of the Solfeggio course with the other theoretic academic disciplines. Prof. Pencho Stoyanov, Sc.D. has had a substantial role in the developing of the strict scientific methodology in the Music Analysis instruction at the Academy. Of similar importance is the work of Prof. Zdravko Manolov and Prof. Dimitar Hristov, Sc.D. for the academic instruction in polyphony, and that of Prof. Dimitar Sagaev and Prof. Bozhidar Abrashev – in the area of symphony orchestration.

In the last decades of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, there have been a new wave of significant scientific research by professors Neva Krysteva, Elena Kuteva, Elena Stoyanova, Tomi Karklisiyski, Zvezda Yonova, Penka Kadieva, Maria Simeonova.


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In 1973 a new course, Sound Recording (today Sound Recording, Sound and Media Design), was created within the Music Theory Department by Assoc. Prof. Mihail Lyutskanov, a German graduate, and Prof. Slavcho Malyakov, an engineer with experience in cinema. Ivo Keremidchiev was the first professor of Sound Recording at the Academy. A German graduate as well – from the Detmold music school, he played a major role in the academic development of the course, modernizing it and setting the standards for practical and academic results. Nowadays, the leading lecturers in the Sound Recording major are Prof. Kremena Angelova, Ph.D. and Assoc. Prof. Pavel Stefanov, Ph.D., whose zeal and initiative constantly enrich the learning process and lead to steady modernization of the equipment and facilities.


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Prof. Angelina Petrova, Ph.D.

Assoc.Prof. Teodora Dimitrova, Ph.D.

Assistant Antonina Nedelcheva



Prof. Andrey Diamandiev, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Gradev, Ph.D.

Prof. Vesela Naumova, Ph.D.

Chief Assistant Nadezhda Todorova, Ph.D.



Prof. Neva Krysteva, Ph.D.

Prof. Vesela Boyadzhieva, Ph.D.

Prof. Sabin Levi, Ph.D.


Symphony Orchestration

Prof. Andrey Diamandiev, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Hristo Pavlov, Ph.D.


Wind Ensemble Orchestration

Denislav Tomov, Ph.D., part-time lecturer



Assoc. Prof. Hristo Pavlov, Ph.D.


Music Analysis

Prof. Tomi Karklisiyski, Sc.D.

Assoc. Prof. Snezhina Vrangova, Ph.D.


Music Aesthetics

Prof. Ilya Yonchev, Ph.D.

Assoc.Prof. Irina Haralampieva, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Yordan Banev, Ph.D.


Music Philosophy

Prof. Ilya Yonchev, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Yordan Banev, Ph.D.


Music Pedagogy

Prof. Ilya Yonchev, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Yordan Banev, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Emil Devedzhiev, Ph.D.


Introduction to Musicology

Prof. Kristina Yapova, Sc.D., part-time lecturer


Sound Recording, Sound and Media Design course

Prof. Kremena Angelova, Ph.D. – sound recording, psychoacoustics, audio postproduction

Assoc. Prof. Pavel Stefanov, Ph.D. – musical acoustics, sound recording practice, sound reinforcement

Chief Assistant Petar Kostov, Ph.D. – sound engineering, basic elements of audio systems

Assistant Ani Svinarova, Ph.D. – sound synthesis and MIDI

Prof. Boyka Aneva, part-time lecturer – theory of sound

Stanimir Ivanov, part-time lecturer – media practice (TV)

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The first professors in theory at the Academy

Prof. Dimitar Hadzhigeorgiev (1873 – 1932)

Prof. Dimitar Radev (1874 – 1952)

Prof. Dobri Hristov (1875 – 1941)

Prof. Nikola Atanasov (1886 – 1969)

Prof. Tsanko Tsankov (1899 – ?)

Hristo Panchev (1882 – ?)



Prof. Konstantin Konstantinov (1903 – 1955)

Prof. Kamen Popdimitrov (1904 – 1992)

Prof. Ivan Peev (1907 – 1981)

Prof. Penka Kadieva (1938 – 2015)

Prof. Zvezda Yonova

Prof. Maria Simeonova



Prof. Veselin Stoyanov (1902 – 1969)

Prof. Asen Karastoyanov (1893 – 1976)

Prof. Parashkev Hadzhiev (1912 – 1992)

Prof. Alexander Raychev (1922 – 2003)

Prof. Benzion Eliezer (1920 – 1993)

Nadezhda Gagosova (1924 – 1999), part-time lecturer

Prof. Tsvetan Tsvetanov (1931 – 1982)

Prof. Stefan Ikonomov (1937 – 1994)

Prof. Evgeniy Avramov (1929 – 2021)

Assoc. Prof. Doychin Oshanov

Elena Karastoyanova, part-time lecturer

Prof. Mihail Pekov (1940 – 2022)

Prof. Georgi Kostov

Prof. Georges Bonev, Ph.D.



Prof. Asen Karastoyanov (1893 – 1976)

Prof. Zdravko Manolov (1925 – 1983)

Prof. Dimitar Hristov (1933 – 2017)

Dimitar Petkov (1919 – 1997), part-time lecturer

Prof. Artin Poturlyan


Symphony Orchestration

Prof. Veselin Stoyanov (1902 – 1969)

Acad. Marin Goleminov (1908 – 2000)

Rumyana Zlatanova, part-time lecturer

Prof. Dimitar Sagaev (1915 – 2003)

Prof. Dimitar Tapkov (1929 – 2011)

Prof. Bozhidar Abrashev (1936 – 2006)

Prof. Evgeniy Avramov

Prof. Alexander Tekeliev


Wind Ensemble Orchestration

Prof. Dimitar Sagaev (1915 – 2003)

Necho Rusev

Assoc. Prof. Hristo Tonev

Nikolay Bratanov



Acad. Marin Goleminov (1908 – 2000)

Prof. Dimitar Sagaev (1915 – 2003)

Prof. Dimitar Tapkov (1929 – 2011)

Prof. Bozhidar Abrashev (1936 – 2006)

Prof. Evgeniy Avramov (1929 – 2021)

Prof. Alexander Tekeliev


Music Analysis

Prof. Veselin Stoyanov (1902 – 1969)

Prof. Pencho Stoyanov, Sc.D. (1931 – 2020)

Assoc. Prof. Emil Dimitrov (1929 – 2011)

Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Zaharieva (1937 – 2013), part-time assistant

Stefan Remenkov (1923 – 1988), part-time assistant

Jules Levi (1930 – 2006)

Prof. Kina Prodanova, Ph.D.

Prof. Elena Stoyanova, Ph.D.

Prof. Elena Kuteva, Ph.D.


Music Aesthetics

Prof. Krum Angelov (1918 – 2006)

Assoc. Prof. Andrey Koralov, Ph.D. (1938 – 1987)

Prof. Vesa Haralampieva, Ph.D.


Music Pedagogy / Methodology

Anton Nikolov (1906 – 1971)

Gencho Gaytandzhiev (1935 – 2010), part-time lecturer

Benyu Totev (1911 – 1987), part-time lecturer

Georgi Torbov (1932 – 2015), part-time lecturer

Totyu Georgiev (1919 – ?), part-time lecturer

Necho Rusev (1922 – ?)

Prof. Galina Stoyanova, Ph.D., part-time lecturer

Prof. Elena Stoyanova, Ph.D.

Prof. Angelina Petrova, Ph.D.


Sound Recording course

Assoc. Prof. Mihail Lyutskanov (1934 – 1959) – sound recording

Prof. Slavcho Malyakova – sound recording

Anton Stanchev – sound recording

Atanas Atanasov – studio equipment

Alexi Kusev – acoustics

Emil Milev – studio radio equipment

Simo Lazarov – mixing and editing, musical electroacoustics

Radka Shehtanova-Kuseva – mixing and editing

Konstantin Hadzhiev – practical TV course

Ivan Ventsislavov – practical TV course

Stefan Vladkov – practical radio course

Elena Changarova – practical radio course

Miloslav Popov – sound synthesis and MIDI

Prof. Ivo Keremidchiev (1954 – 2008) – sound recording, music acoustics


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Prof. Dimitar Sagaev (1915 – 2003)

Prof. Alexander Raychev (1922 – 2003)

Prof. Zdravko Manolov (1925 – 1983)

Prof. Pencho Stoyanov (1931 – 2020)

Prof. Tsvetan Tsvetanov (1931 – 1982)

Prof. Zvezda Yonova

Prof. Neva Krysteva, Ph.D.

Prof. Vesa Haralampieva

Prof. Elena Stoyanova, Ph.D.

Prof. Tomi Karklisiyski, Sc.D

Prof. Andrey Diamandiev, Ph.D.