Duration of study:
– 2 years for graduates of Higher music education, full-time studies
60 credits required for each year. They are recruited from compulsory (70%), optional (20%) and optional (10%) disciplines.
At the discretion of the department in which the student studies his special subject, he may be awarded an additional 2 credits per year for outstanding performances in the field of musical art and science.
Admission: The conditions for admission to the specialty are published in the Master’s candidate directories for the relevant academic year, available on the NMA website.
Disciplines studied:
–compulsory: composition, solfege, harmony, history of music, musical folklore, piano, introduction to specialized music software, foreign language, instrumental knowledge, polyphony, symphonic orchestration, score reading, musical analysis, musical aesthetics, history of Bulgarian music, brass orchestration ;
– electives: pedagogy, philosophy, conducting a piano choir, course choir, choral studies, music psychology, conducting a piano orchestra, pedagogical psychology, organ, musical acoustics, music management, old Bulgarian music, church music, piano teaching methodology , history of jazz, improvisation, piano II, opera dramaturgy, choral repertoire and literature, ethics, musical philosophy;
– optional: intellectual property and copyright, foreign language I and II, sports, history of art.
Method of graduation: state exam and Master’s thesis defense.
Opportunities for professional realization:
– to create original musical works, music for cinema and television films, radio and television productions, for dramatic and puppet shows, choreographic productions and dances; to orchestrate, arrange and process original and folklore works;
-to train personnel in composition and music theory disciplines;
– to conduct scientific research work in the field of musical creativity;
– to lead organizationally and methodically artistic musical collectives, organizations, institutes, etc.
Work in philharmonics, opera, operetta, drama, puppet and other theaters; in mass media and cultural institutes; in professional compositions and ensembles; in musical educational institutions, cultural centers, film and television studios; in newsrooms, culture tips, etc. – in the positions: composer, art director, teacher, editor, Methodist