Study period: 4 academic years, full-time study.
A Bachelor’s degree requires 240 credits (60 for each year of full-time study). They are recruited from compulsory (70%), elective (20%) and optional (10%) disciplines.
At the decision of the department in which the student studies his special subject, he may be awarded up to 10 additional credits for the period of study for bright and prestigious artistic performances, participation in international festivals, awards from national and international competitions.
Disciplines studied:
compulsory: special subject – Viola, chamber music, compulsory piano, orchestra difficulties, symphony orchestra, instrumental knowledge, solfege, harmony, history of music, polyphony, methodology, pedagogical practice, history of Bulgarian music, musical analysis;
electives: orchestra, composition, philosophy, pedagogy, historical dance, fundamentals of conducting, intellectual property and copyright, visual arts, school choir, choral studies, music psychology, history of jazz, improvisation, music management, music aesthetics, pedagogical psychology, history of art;
– optional: foreign language, sport
Method of graduation: state exam – concert programs in a special subject and in chamber music.
Opportunities for professional realization:
– to perform as soloists, chamber musicians, accompanists, members of various orchestra formations;
– to train personnel in the field of Viola and chamber music at the Higher Musical institutions, Secondary musical institutions and Musical schools for children
– to conduct research work in the field of instrumental and performing arts;
– lead various instrumental amateur and professional ensembles;
– to perform all types of activities requiring a higher musical education.