Vesela Boyadjieva
Exploration of Archetypes in Orthodox Church Music / 1
Vesela Boyadjieva
Exploration of Archetypes in Orthodox Church Music (Abstract) / 27
Amer Didi
The Influence of Maqāms and Maqām Classification Theories Revisited:
towards a Maqām Affect Theory / 28
Amer Didi
The Influence of Maqāms and Maqām Classification Theories Revisited: towards a Maqām
Affect Theory (Abstract) / 45
Кристина Япова
Какво печели и какво губи знанието за музиката с „музикално
красивото“ на Едуард Ханслик / 46
Kristina Yapova
What Does Music Gain from Hanslick’s ‘The Beautiful in Music,’ and What Does It
Lose? (Abstract) / 76
Nicholas Rast
Schubert Biography in Song?
Observations of a Schubert Liederabschrift from 1835 / 77
Nicholas Rast
Schubert Biography in Song?
Observations of a Schubert Liederabschrift from 1835 (Abstract) / 98
Весела Наумова
Конструктивни и изразни възможности
на неаполитанския акорд / 99
Vesela Naumova
Constructive and Expressive Possibilities of the Neapolitan Chord (Abstract) / 112
Rositsa Boyadjieva-Valeva
Contemporary Approaches to Flute Teaching / 113
Rositsa Boyadjieva-Valeva
Contemporary Approaches to Flute Teaching (Abstract) / 125
Нино Баркалая, Анжелика Комиссаренко
Электромузыкальные инструменты в России в 20м веке / 126
Nino Barkalaya, Angelika Komissarenko
Twentieth-Century Electro-Musical Instruments in Russia (Abstract) / 146
Nicholas Rast
Realizing the True Significance of Schubert’s ‘Fairer Hopes’ / 147
Nicholas Rast
Realizing the True Significance of Schubert’s ‘Fairer Hopes’ (Abstract) / 163
Наташа Япова
Български щрих към теорията на руското православно многогласно
пеене / 164
Natasha Yapova
The Theory of Russian Orthodox Polyphonic Singing from a Bulgarian Perspective
(Abstract) / 166
Ангелина Петрова
Принос към монографичните изследвания в
музикалната теория / 167
Angelina Petrova
A Contribution to Monographic Research in Music Theory (Abstract) / 172